
Black Widow Poster Book, de Artists, Various. Editorial Marvel, tapa blanda en inglés, 2020

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  • Año de publicación: 2020
  • Tapa del libro: Blanda
  • Género: Cómics y novela gráfica.
  • Subgénero: Cómics y novelas gráficas.
  • Número de páginas: 42.
  • Dimensiones: 281 mm de ancho x 406 mm de alto.
  • Peso: 771.1 g.
  • ISBN: 9781302921347.


She's Earth's stealthiest hero - the superspy with red in her ledger! She's Natasha Romanoff , the Black Widow, and she's leaving the shadowy world of espionage to take the spotlight in a book fi lled with poster masterpieces that would grace any gallery! From her death-defying solo missions around the world to her adventures with the Avengers, Natasha turns cloak-and-dagger action into a work of art - as ably demonstrated in these illustrations by many of Marvel's biggest talents. Impress your friends with this instant collection of many of the fi nest Black Widow images ever produced!

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