
Equity And Trusts Revision Concentrate Pack: Law And Revision Study Guide, De Street, Anne. Editorial Oxford Univ Pr, Tapa Blanda En Inglés

  • Tapa del libro: Blanda
  • Libro.
  • Edad recomendada: de 0 años a 100 años.
  • ISBN: 09780192885524.


Equity and Trusts Revision Concentrate Pack: Law and Revision Study Guide by Anne Street is a comprehensive and essential resource for anyone studying or practicing law. This book, published by Oxford Univ Pr, provides a thorough review of the principles and concepts of equity and trusts, making it an invaluable tool for students and professionals alike.

With a softcover and written in English, this study guide is easy to carry and understand. It is suitable for readers of all ages, from beginners to experienced practitioners. The author, Anne Street, is a renowned expert in the field, ensuring that the content is accurate and up-to-date.

This book not come is string_containing does a kit and not include is string_containing doesgmented reality features. However, it offers a wealth of knowledge and insights into equity and trusts, making it an essential addition to any legal library.

Whether you are a law student preparing for exams or a legal professional looking to refresh your knowledge, Equity and Trusts Revision Concentrate Pack: Law and Revision Study Guide is a must-have resource. Get your copy today and enhance your understanding of this complex area of law.

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