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Imaginary Friend, de Chbosky, Stephen. Editorial Grand Central Publishing, tapa blanda en inglés, 2020

Tapa del libro:Blanda

Año de publicación:2020

Lo que tienes que saber de este producto

  • Género: Literatura y ficción.
  • Subgénero: Ficción.
  • Número de páginas: 736.
  • Dimensiones: 133 mm de ancho x 203 mm de alto.
  • Peso: 566.99 g.
  • ISBN: 9781538731352.
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Características del producto

Características principales

Título del libro
Imaginary Friend
Chbosky, Stephen
Editorial del libro
Grand Central Publishing
Tapa del libro
Año de publicación

Otras características

Cantidad de páginas
203 mm
133 mm
566.99 g
Género del libro
Literatura y ficción
Subgéneros del libro


A young boy is haunted by a voice in his head in this acclaimed, bestselling epic of literary horror from the author of The Perks of Being a Wallflower.One of The Year's Best Books (People, EW, Lithub, Vox, Washington Post, and more) We can swallow our fear or let our fear swallow us. Single mother Kate Reese is on the run. Determined to improve life for her and her son, Christopher, she flees an abusive relationship in the middle of the night with her child. Together, they find themselves drawn to the tight-knit community of Mill Grove, Pennsylvania. It's as far off the beaten track as they can get. Just one highway in, one highway out. At first, it seems like the perfect place to finally settle down. Then Christopher vanishes. For six long days, no one can find him. Until Christopher emerges from the woods at the edge of town, unharmed but not unchanged. He returns with a voice in his head only he can hear, with a mission only he can complete: Build a treehouse in the woods by Christmas, or his mother and everyone in the town will never be the same again. Twenty years ago, Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower made readers everywhere feel infinite. Now, Chbosky has returned with an epic work of literary horror, years in the making, whose grand scale and rich emotion redefine the genre. Read it with the lights on.

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