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The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence, de de Becker, Gavin. Editorial Back Bay Books, tapa blanda en inglés, 2021

  • Año de publicación: 2021
  • Tapa del libro: Blanda
  • Género: Referencias.
  • Subgénero: Obras de referencia.
  • Número de páginas: 400.
  • Dimensiones: 140 mm de ancho x 210 mm de alto.
  • Peso: 340.19 g.
  • ISBN: 9780316235778.


Protect yourself by learning how to trust — and act on — your instincts with the "empowering" #1 bestseller from personal safety expert Gavin de Becker (Boston Globe).A carjacker lurking in a shopping mall parking lot. An abusive husband pounding on the door. A disgruntled employee brandishing a gun. These days, no one is safe from the specter of violence. But according to Gavin de Becker, everyone can feel safer, act safer, be safer -- if they learn how to listen to their own sixth sense about danger.De Becker has made a career of protecting people and predicting violent behavior. His firm handles security for many of the leading figures in Hollywood and Silicon Valley, and his computerized risk-assessment system helps analyze threats to members of Congress and the Supreme Court. Now, in this unprecedented guide, de Becker shares his expertise with everyone. Covering all the dangerous situations people typically face -- street crime, domestic abuse, violence in the workplace -- de Becker provides real-life examples and offers specific advice on restraining orders, self-defense, and more. But the key to self-protection, he demonstrates, is learning how to trust our own intuitions. For everyone who's ever felt threatened, this book is essential reading.

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