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English 1, de Flores Kastanis, Paula. Grupo Editorial Patria, tapa blanda en inglés, 2017

  • Año de publicación: 2017
  • Tapa del libro: Blanda
  • Género: Educación.
  • Subgénero: Educación.
  • Número de páginas: 220.
  • Dimensiones: 210 mm de ancho x 270 mm de alto.
  • Peso: 480 g.
  • ISBN: 9786077447207.


Now, with a new educational model (2017) which pillars are to learn to learn and to know, learning to be, learning to live together and learning how to make, the book highlights the social and personal development of students, with special emphasis on the development of socio-emotional skills. Redesigned well known sections as Learning Situations, Activity Sequences, Exercises, and totally new ones like: Skills, Attitudes, and Expected learning outcomes, Transversal Skills Development (social consciousness, environmental care, reading, health education), Diagnostic, summative, selfassessment, and coevaluation instruments, etc.BLOCK 1: Personal Profile. BLOCK 2: Daily Routines. BLOCK 3: Here and Now. BLOCK 4: Units of Measurement.

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